During our day service in a remote village outside of Faisalabad, Pakistan, a woman told us she was being tormented by demons. We began to pray and immediately a demon manifested through her. With much prayer, the demon finally left. If you’ll notice, this woman spoke zero English and yet she responds to my commands to leave by saying “Nay” as in no, then at one point the demons says in Urdu, “I’m not going!” Deliverance is real. Thanks for your support of this ministry. Thank you for being a part of this ministry as we take the light of Christ into the darkness of our world. If you would like to help us continue the work: https://www.paypal.me/phillipblair To visit the ministry website: https://torchofchrist@gmail.com To visit the ministry’s Facebook page where we post many updates and pictures as they are happening: Https://Facebook.com/torchofchrist Thank you for your prayers!